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For a number a number of reasons, billions of plastic containers find their way to landfill sites every year rather than being recycled for re-use. BDP-PP provides end-of- life solution to these discarded containers, enabling them to naturally decompose in a few years rather than centuries. BDP-PP is a revolutionary biodegradable* PP (Polypropylene) film for the thermoformed packaging industry. BDP-PP is a recyclable AND biodegradable* PP film with all of the conventional properties of PET. Biodegration rates of BDP-PP plastic materials are measured according to the ASTM D5511 test method for determining anaerobic biodegration of plastics under water high solids anaerobic digestion conditions. Tests are generally conducted using 50% solids content. Solids content in naturally wetter landfills range from 55% to 65%, while the driest landfills may reach 93%. Actuall biodegration rates will vary in biology-active landfills according to the type of plastic used, the product configuration, and the solid content, temperature and moisture levels of the landfill. 

*Time requirement in which materials are disposed and the the type, quantity, and quality of micro-organisms present. We tested PP packaging via ASTM D5511 and saw 8.88% biodegradation after 30 days.

ASTM D5511 Standard (American Association for Laboratory Accreditation) for determining anaerobic biodegradation of plastic materials under high solids, anaerobic digestion conditions. All products show an enhanced rate of biodegradation as compared to a non treated control sample. This is the equivalent to the ISO 15985, EN 15985 

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